M. Schele de Vere, 1887. Volapük. An article from Modern Language Notes journal, Volume 2. Baltimore, Maryland (USA): Johns Hopkins University Press. (607 KB)
Alexander Melville Bell, 1888. Volapük. An article from Science journal, Volume 11. Washington (USA): American Association for the Advancement of Science. (593 KB)
Alexander Melville Bell, 1888. Volapük. An article from The North American Review journal, Volume 146. Boston (USA). (389 KB)
1888. The scientific value of Volapük. An article from The Nature journal, Volume 38 Issue 980.
Report of The American Philisophical Society. (3,52 MB)
Otto Jespersen, 1928. An International Language: Part 1 General. London (England): Allen and Unwin. Pibevobon fa ‚Hermann Philipps‘ tü yel 2018id.
Part One of this book discusses the need for an International Auxiliary Language (IAL), the disadvantages of ethnic languages for that purpose, and common objections to constructed IALs. Jespersen also provides a critical overview of the history of constructed IALs with sections devoted to Volapük, Esperanto, Idiom Neutral, Ido, Latino sine Flexione and Occidental (Interlingue). The author makes it clear that he draws on a wealth of earlier work on the problem of a constructed IAL, not only the aforementioned IALs. (164 KB)